Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Exoplanet satellite V.I.S.I.O.N.

We all say: We miss you Miss Malena. We hope all is great in San Antonio!
Justin G says:
Today Ian,Dr. Mike,Devon,and I Justin built part of our satellite. But Ian and Devon were not there to take the picture. Miss Jennifer was. This satatell is going to new worlds. The mission is called V.I.S.I.O.N.! Astronomy is the best. Dr. Mike is awesome. Astronomy is also the bomb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

V alley Center
I n
S earch of
I nterstellar
O ther
N ew worlds

Dr. Mikes says:
We haven't decided on what star/exoplanet system we are going to investigate yet. Maybe some info from the Kepler mission will assist us. Mission command center has informed us that we are still on schedule. That spacecraft looks a lot like duct tape over a foam roller with parts from a printer we had fun disassembling. We are not responsible for launch of this vehicle as we only meet approximately 1x/week. Maybe we can get kids from another community center to work on this.
In the picture you see Justin and Jennifer our Americorp leader

Ian and Devon had to leave early but contributed to the early stages of construction of our spacecraft.
Devon and Ian will add more over the next 2 weeks.


  1. Hello Everyone! I really miss you too. I have been so busy with work that I have not had the time to get involved in any Astronomy activities in San Antonio yet, but I intent to do that soon. I like your picture and I will keep track of your progress through this blog. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!

  2. What a great post! Great to read. Love the photo, inspiring picture.

    Kids need astronomy, kids would have SO MUCH fun with astronomy!
